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The market share of composite materials in Asia is expected to reach 47.7% in 2021

  Due to the double-digit growth rate of wind energy and aviation markets, the global composite material market is expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 3.5% in the next five years. In addition, the continuous increase of urban population and construction and infrastructure are also the main driving forces. Asia is the region with the largest growth rate in the composite industry, which is expected to keep growing in the future.
  By 2021, Asia's composite market share is expected to reach 47.7% and 26.2% respectively. Due to the relatively low per capita consumption of composite materials, it is expected that the BRIC countries will maintain a sustained increase. In 2016, the global composite industry is expected to grow by 3.5%. Some key regions, such as the United States and Europe, will inevitably drive the growth of the global composite market with the continuous improvement of economic conditions. In the next five years, there are also good expectations in the field of construction and transportation.
  The growth rate of glass fiber composite market application is not as fast as that of carbon fiber. The market competition will become increasingly fierce in the future, and innovative enterprises are expected to be the ultimate winners. In addition, some new trends have emerged in the industry that will have a direct impact on future development, such as the application of low-cost carbon fiber for vehicles, wind energy, and the continuous development of fibers.


Dongguan Xulian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

Telephone:0769-87980772   Fax:0769-87988687   Filing No:Yue ICP Bei No. 2022124356

Keywords: synthetic stone, wave soldering fixture, reflow soldering fixture, mold insulation plate, plastic mold, fixture, electronic materials, high temperature resistant materials, engineering materials

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